Relationships for learning at Cramond

This policy and procedure is based on City of Edinburgh council policy and procedure and the views of staff, parents and pupils within our learning community. In Edinburgh every child or young person irrespective of identity, background or ability is part of a resilient and positive learning community where they feel: We belong We contribute We learn We are supported and we help others #CramondCares The purpose of this policy is to promote a positive ethos and culture across our school to continue to develop positive relationships, positive behaviour and successful learners. Within this policy, we provide clear guidance as to the procedures we follow at Cramond Primary when supporting behaviour. At Cramond Primary School we adhere to both the City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Government advice to protect and promote children’s rights and the implementation of the Council’s policy: Included, Engaged and Involved in Edinburgh. We also aim to address the recommendations made by Scottish Government in Included, Engaged, Involved 2 (2017) and Developing a Positive Whole-school Ethos and Culture (Relationships, Learning and Behaviour 2019).