Communication and Contact with all Parents [ Resident and Non Resident ]
City of Edinburgh Council is committed to supporting the involvement of all parents in their child’s education.
‘ In terms of non resident parents , our view is that, unless there is a pressing reason to the contrary , for example, in terms of child protection, non- resident parents have the same rights to information about their children and responsibilities to be involved in their learning and education as resident parents.’[Parental Involvement Strategy]
Our schools wish to work in partnership with all parents and carers and will check with you to identify who should be involved with your child’s education.
However if a non resident parent contacts a school or centre to claim parental rights and the school has no record the non resident parent will have to provide documentary evidence to verify this.
Schools and Early Years Centres will share the following essential information with non resident parents/carers
• Annual or regular education progress reports
• Attainment information including coordinated support plans or Individual Education Plans
• Attendance information
• Exclusions and behaviour information
• Parent/teacher consultation meetings
• School Improvement Plan leaflet
• School handbook
• School newsletters
• Parent council and Parent Forum information
Please let the school know what information from the list above you would like to have.
The school will ask you how they can best contact you. Schools use a number of methods of communicating with parents
• Phone calls
• Letters
• Face to face contact
• E mails,website
• Parent evenings
• Meetings
• Interpreting and Translation Services
The majority of our schools also have web sites with a range of information which parents may wish to access so that they have
a wider knowledge of the school.
Parents have a central role both as partners in
their children’s learning and in the wider life and
work of the school.
Access to Children and Young People
The school cannot be expected to resolve disputes about residence or contact; these are for the parents to resolve or for the counselling agencies or the courts.