Mobile Phones & Digital Safety
Mobile Phones : The benefits of mobile phones are recognised. Many young people and their parents regard them as an essential means of communication. Mobile phones can continue to be brought into Cramond however all phones must be switched off during the school day and should not be taken outside during playtime and lunchtime.
Digital Safety : Pupils are expected to behave responsibly when on line. They should respect others and avoid posting anything likely to offend or upset both when online in school and at home. Cramond is embracing the learning opportunities that new technologies bring, whilst also teaching pupils the skills to behave responsibly and safely. We have many iPads in sets in school and all classes have at least one iPad assigned to them for daily use with adaptor to connect to the SMARTboards. P7 pupils share an iPad mini with a partner and have been using this device since April 2014. Nursery pupils have an iPad per home team. Our Senior Pupils have an assigned iPad to share with a partner during the school day. We have agreed a digital school code of conduct – see below.
The school cannot accept any liability for loss, damage or theft of pupil property, including phones and digital devices.