Religious Observance


Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from religious instruction and / or observance should contact the school, in writing, and alternative arrangements will be made. We offer as wide a range of sporting and cultural activities as possible.

Details and dates of Religious Observance are on our Cramond school website below. Cramond Primary is a non denominational school.  We do however visit Cramond Kirk and welcome their minister, Rev. Dr Barr, to an assembly per term – dates and details of which are shown on our school website weekly update, calendar for the year and newsletters.

THIS SESSION: All parents, friends and families are warmly invited to join us at Cramond Kirk for our Whole School Church Services. dates for this session are:


We are starting work this session on becoming a rights respecting school, We celebrate diversity and enjoy learning about many other World Religions, cultures and beliefs. Parental involvement in sharing this is actively encouraged. We undertake a great deal of charity work – fundraising for charities such as Macmillan cancer, Fresh Start Edinburgh Initiative, Disaster Appeals, Homes for Humanity and acting as a good neighbour with our termly community cafe and sharing learning.

Thursday 20th Sept 2018 Dr Barr is leading our school assembly. 2pm

Friday 14th October P1-P7 are visiting Cramond Kirk for the Harvest Service, 9.30am. Donations of food/cleaning/toiletries for Fresh Start.

Thursday 8th November Dr Barr is leading our school Remembrance assembly. 2pm

Friday 21st December Dr Barr leads our Christmas Service at Cramond Kirk. 9.30am. All are welcome.

Thursday 24th January Dr Barr is leading our school assembly. 2pm

Thursday 7th March Dr Barr is leading our school assembly. 2pm

Friday 5th April Dr Barr leads our Easter Service at Cramond Kirk, 9.30am. Donations of Easter eggs for Fresh Start welcomed.

Friday 9th May Dr Barr leads our Christian Aid school assembly. 9am

Friday 21st  June Dr Barr is hosting our School Achievements award assembly at Cramond Kirk, 9.30am