
It is hoped that you will be completely satisfied about your child’s education at Cramond. Feedback is encouraged and actively sought from both parents and pupils. If you have a complaint or a concern about the school, please let us know as soon as possible. It is better that these things are shared openly and resolved quickly. There will be no negative consequences arising from making a complaint and issues will be dealt with as confidentially as possible.

Please make any complaints initially to Helen Donaldson, Headteacher. This gives the school an opportunity to respond and resolve the issue. Efforts will be made to respond as quickly as possible, but often issues are complex and time is needed to investigate the matter fully. If you are still unhappy with the service or with the response then you can contact Advice and Conciliation [0131 469 3233] If you are still unhappy after the further investigation and reply, you can contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.