School Lunches

See The City of Edinburgh Council Website for Information

school_lunch_titleWe are back to providing two hot options Monday to Thursday and a packed cold lunch option on a Friday. See menus on Parent Pay:

Meals must be ordered in advance for a five week block using ParentPay – online, cashless banking system.

Meals are provided to Cramond by Edinburgh Catering Services.


School Lunches from August 2021 are FREE for pupils in P1-5 automatically.

Any children in P6 – P7 who are in receipt of Free School Meals should also complete the form online.


Packed Lunches: Some children choose to bring a packed lunch. Please name your child’s lunch box. Packed lunches are eaten in the school hall or sports hall with school lunch pupils. All will eat together.  Our lunchtime supervisors help the children when required and encourage them to take any uneaten food home Home lunches : If you wish your child to go home for lunch please inform your child’s class teacher

Please let us know if your child has any special dietary needs.

Food in schools

School meals from the City of Edinburgh council offer

  • healthy choices
  • at least two portions of fruit and vegetables
  • oily fish
  • excellent value for money.

We are committed to sourcing from the UK when possible.  We use local suppliers for meat, vegetables and milk and all of our fish comes from sustainable sources.

All food in our schools complies with Scottish Government legislation. Learn about health promotion and nutrition in schools(external link) on their website.

School milk

We provide free milk to all pupils in our early years centres. In primary and special schools, children entitled to free school meals also qualify for free milk. Please note – this is not an automatic entitlement in P1-4 – free school milk must be applied for if you are in receipt of benefits. see here

Pupils in our primary and special schools who do not qualify for free meals can purchase cartons of milk by contacting the school.

School meals for primary 1-5

Children in P1-P5 can have a free school meal every day. Contact your school for details.