Nurture is at the heart of our school ethos.
Cramond Cares about everybody and firmly believe in holistic development of the whole child. Health and Wellbeing sits firmly at the centre of our ethos. We offer high quality opportunities to learn about & develop our physical skills, experience and health. Children learn to work in teams, share ideas, cope with challenge and grow in confidence – sharing & celebrating experiences in and out of school. We have many supports in place for children and families Emotional Health and wellbeing with regular parent coffee mornings on themes such as dealing with emotions, friendships, additional support needs, anxiety, bereavement, growing confidence and resilience.
At Cramond we have a high percentage of pupils living in SIMD 9 & 10. We have a number of children entitled to Free School Meals. We have been working hard to ensure every child has equal opportunity to achieve, attain and thrive.
We have invested our PEF funding into a twin tracked approach on Emotional Health & Well being at Cramond along with specific intervention programs to boost literacy skills & attainment. (Fresh Start, Read Write Inc, Literacy Resources, Sumdog & Maths interventions)
Our main focus in fostering a NURTURE approach undermining actions of all staff and weaving through our learning culture. We have a number of staff trained in NURTURE and Seasons for Growth. We have an informal breakfast club (invitation) and numerous lunch & chill clubs run by staff, to support our pupils. A gardening group at lunchtimes is popular with pupils and led by a PSA Miss Braye.
Our Burrow is our nurture space used throughout and beyond the school day. It is a safe, nurturing space, appreciated by many pupils & partner agencies.