About CPSC, a Parent Partnership
Cramond has a very proactive and supportive parent body. The PSA and Parent Council (CPSC) work together to support the school community, staff, pupils and wider parent body. All parents / carers are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school. As a member of the Parent Forum,parents can expect to
- receive information about the school and its activities;
- hear about what partnership with parents means in school;
- be invited to be involved in ways and times which suit;
- identify issues to the parent council;
- be asked your opinion by the parent council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides;
- work in partnership with staff; and enjoy taking part in the life of the school Parents / carers are encouraged to volunteer as representatives of the Parent Council if they wish.

Meeting dates for CPSC are on this website. Everyone is welcome to come along. We also have class reps who you can approach with any ideas or suggestions. The Senior Leadership Team are happy to meet parents on any matter and can be contacted by phone or email through the office. CPSC Meetings – either face to face or online at 7pm. All parents and carers are very welcome to come along to a meeting to find out more.
Main aims of CPSC:
- To support the school in its work with pupils
- To represent the views of parents
- To promote contact between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education and the community
- To be involved in the appointment of senior promoted staff
- To raise funds for the school for the benefit of pupils and organise community events.For more information on parental involvement or to find out about parents as partners in their children’s learning, please visit the Parentzone website at www.parentzonescotland.gov.uk.
VOLUNTEERS: Cramond School welcomes and relies on the help of parents.
You can volunteer your services in a variety of ways, such as helping out on the occasional school trip, or with school/class projects. To enquire, in first instance please contact our DHT caroline.ashbrook@cramond.edin.sch.uk and /or
Contact the CPSC by email cramondparentstaffcouncil@gmail.com